Publishing and Data Services 

The GlobalLink CCMS team has the resources and experience to help you produce output in over 20 different formats.  For the most common output formats, such as PDF and HTML5, our process for estimating and quoting is so refined that we can provide not-to-exceed pricing within 24 hours.  For other formats, our team works carefully to provide you a statement of work that explains what data we’ve evaluated, what issues we encountered, what tasks we will perform to correct those issues, how the output will appear, and a timeline for the entire project.  We explain the risks, the items that might affect our pricing and schedule, and the actions that both sides must take to ensure on-time delivery of the output project.  Overall, we don’t sell just the CCMS technology; we provide the end-to-end services you need to produce the output needed by your organization.

Custom Stylesheet Development

XML content needs to be transformed to appropriate media for distribution to customers and other users. To automate this requires dedicated scripts and software configured to render the formatted output.

GlobalLink technicians will develop publishing stylesheets specific to your design. Based on the content model, XML elements and markup hierarchies are mapped to formatting in various output media, and necessary code created to automate the publishing.

Our technicians are experienced in DITA-OT plugins, and creating stylesheets for localized content.

Content Conversion

Services to convert data from unstructured formats to XML can be performed by GlobalLink CCMS technicians. We will consult with you on guidelines for conversion to ensure content will load most efficiently into the CCMS. After evaluating content, recommendations are given for the most cost-effective process for converting data.

Content Migration

The GlobalLink CCMS technicians can manage the import of your content into the CCMS. This process includes the tracking of incoming files, imported files, hooking up the references, and organizing based on your requirements.

Data Analysis & DTD Writing

The GlobalLink CCMS consultants can analyze your content and prepare XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs) tailored to your specific needs.

Why GlobalLink CCMS?

Simply being ISO-certified is not enough. When you choose us for DITA and XML content management systems, you also benefit from working with a company that is committed to meeting our clients’ needs in the most effective manner possible. We will continue to focus on leveraging emerging technologies and streamlining our processes to provide the most innovative and cost-effective CCMS solutions for every organization we serve.

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For issues that go beyond technical support, GlobalLink CCMS provides workshops and consulting services for content management and related topics (e.g., XML, SGML, DITA). Consultations and workshops give clients access to GlobalLink CCMS' expertise to provide in-depth assistance with any issue pertaining to their content management strategy.



You can ask for help on any of our CCMS platforms, on any of our integrated GlobalLink Globalization modules, on any of our supported third-party tools, or on the content you create with our systems


Training Services

The GlobalLink CCMS team supports managers, technical administrators and editorial users at every step of the CCMS journey. The training team provides skill-based instruction in both CCMS operations and building structured content.


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1250 Broadway New York, NY, 10001
+1 212.689.555



33 Altgate House, 1st Floor, Altgate High Street, London, EC3N 1AH
+44 20.7061.2161



19/F & Unit 2002, YF Life Tower, 33 Lockhard Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
+852 2292.9900

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